
The far away. NGC 1232.

A spiral galaxy about 60 million light-years away.

The Rod Ayres


Special features:

My Bi-Genesis Theory of the Universe.

       Bi-G Big Bang Theory.

There is a false preconception in the reasoning behind Einstein's version of Relativity. This has given rise to mysteries which cannot be resolved and theoretical incompatabilites which cannot be bridged unless the falsity in that preconception is corrected. Replacing the false preconception with actuality will allow Relativity to work together with, indeed to become part of, quantum mechanics and thus be properly incorporated in the  standard model of physics. This will bring more certainty to the true workings of physics and cosmology. It will dispel myths where many cosmological theories are incompatible with one another. Morover, there will be renewed enthusiasm and direction in the search for the long hoped for, Unified Field Theory, which has so often previously looked like a lost cause. Such a so called "Theory of Everything" will be really within our grasp.

Solving the Cosmic Puzzle.

Some have quesioned whether there was a Big Bang at all and have looked to alternatives to explain the expanding Universe. Loyal Big Bang theorists, faced with enigmatic observations, which they cannot satisfactorily explain have tried bolt-ons but tinkering here causes problems there. A solution hoping to solve one conundrum turns up another. The head scratching puzzles have continued to perplex. The sought after enlightment has remained elusive.

The solution lies in this completely fresh start to explain the Big Bang Universe.

Bi-Genesis Theory is a Big Bang Theory but entirely different from any previous version of Big Bang Theory. It predicts a Universe which is truly compatible with observation. For example, Bi-G Big Bang Theory resolves such current enigmas as:

    1. What existed and what happened before Big Bang.

    2. What caused Big Bang to occur when it did.

    3. What limited the rate of expansion of the Universe in & from its first seconds.

    4. What Quasars really are and how they were caused.

    5.The lumpiness in the distribution of galaxies.

    6. How spiral armed galaxies were formed.

    7. The nature and origins of dark matter.

Then down to Earth.

Lead smelt mills of the Yorkshire Dales.

Pictures taken several years ago, of the old lead smelt mills, during walks in the Yorkshire Dales. Fascinating industrial archaeology, which once blighted the landscape, now blends in to it, adding yet more character to this beautiful area. I hope to be able to add pictures of the mills again in 2021 to see how the ruins have borne the elements since I took the original pictures.