
About Rod Ayres View

Why cosmology in this site?

I was educated at Archbishop Holgate's Grammar School. On leaving I went into insurance. I studied various insurances, law,  commerce, finance and economics through distance learning and gained a fellowship degree of The Chartered Insurance Institute.  I also hold a number of other financial services certificates. I remained in insurance, mortgages and financial services for my entire working life. Nevertheless, I have always had an interest in cosmology. It's a very unusual "hobby" for anyone. I am not sure exactly when that interest started but it was cetainly before I was in my teens. The trigger was seeing a picture of a spiral galaxy in an encyclopedia. I guessed at how it might have formed and from that developed my own idea of how gravity worked. I eventually found out that according to Einstein it works differently. However, using my concept, the Universe would develop very much in the way it is observed to. In other words, it is predictive and in fact predicted many things before they were discovered. Time after time over the last few decades, fresh observations have given rise to more and more conundrums for which cosmolgists cannot account. My Bi-Genesis Big BangTheory is the result of applying a change to Relativity. Einstein himself was not happy that his theories led to black holes. It was something he himself had not seen until it was pointed out to him. I'll show that what was missing was a little, but very important little bit of Relativity Theory itself!

Why the Dales Lead Smelt Mills website?

I first saw a lead smelt mill, the CB Mill at Langthwaite, in about 1967. I was fascinated that this once important lead industry had been going on all over the now "industrially quiet" Yorkshire Dales. The length of flues at CB Mill were amazing to me. The ruined state of the mill, flues and that what appeared to be a wheel pit had been filled with rubbish made me feel that something should have been done to conserve such an unusual piece of history. Anyway, living near York, and with a busy job, it was soon out of my mind. It was when a friend of mine moved to County Durham, that the Yorkshire Dales became a suitable "half way" meeting point for walks that it came to my mind to go to smelt mills in the Dales and take pictures. There were very few pictures of the smelters on the web then, so  I started one of the early "blogs" about it on Tiscali/Myweb. When Tiscali discontinued Myweb, the Tiscali server continued to host the sites (and at the time of writing still does), but it has been impossible to amend, delete or update anything. In those early web days, webpages were made to display on monitor screens. Now small screens are the order of the day. I have amended the layers and tables for  Lead Smelters of The Yorkshire Dales so that they can be expanded to be read on small screens like phones. (No time for full recoding to html 5 at the moment.)

I should also like to upload, a number of personal and family photo albums shortly. More about them later.