My Bi-Genesis Theory of the ascent of Universe
Bi-G Big Bang Theory has a very different version
of Big Bang!
This part of the site is under construction. When published, the ideas in Bi-Genesis Big Bang Theory will dismay many scientists and its concepts may well be dismissed by them, especially those cosmologists whose physics and published work has been based on the belief that black holes exist. Repairing a flaw in Einstein's Relativity means that the revised Relativity no longer predicts Black Holes but instead becomes partnered with dark matter and dark energy, the existence of which have become mysterious conundrums in modern cosmology. New insights provide answers to many older questions too, such as:
1. What existed and what happened before Big Bang.
2. What caused Big Bang to occur when it did.
3. What limited the rate of expansion of the Universe in & from its first seconds.
4. What Quasars really are and how they were caused.
5.The lumpiness in the distribution of galaxies.
6. How spiral armed galaxies were formed.
7. The nature and origins of dark matter.